Forever Changing

Your body isn’t the same body you lugged around in high school and college, surprise! Although we tend to hold onto old photos of ourselves and wish we looked the way we used to, we have to let go and move forward. Same thing applies to those who look back and are ashamed of what they once looked like. You might have lost weight and are mortified to look at those photos. Regardless of the situation, it’s inevitable that bodies change.

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We Don't Hate Food

It's hard to put into words but I'll try.. I actually love food. But when explaining my eating disorder to someone, it feels like I should hate food.

Having an eating disorder doesn't mean you hate food or don't eat food.

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Molly TurnerM+J AwayComment
Thanksgiving Tips

Happy almost thanksgiving!

It's the Tuesday before and we are gearing up for family time and good food. If you're like me, thanksgiving is a tough holiday. I typically try to not make every situation about food and try to focus on conversation and experiences... but this holiday is very food oriented.

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Molly TurnerM+J AwayComment
Handling The Holidays

October, November, December, and January bring along the best holidays where you're surrounded by friends, family, and incredible food.

Along with all of these, we are met with food anxiety, higher food consumption, comfort foods, and daylight savings.

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Molly TurnerM+J AwayComment
A Break

I just spent 4 days without any intense physical activity.

I have to be honest, this is really rare for me. I don't say this in a "fitness fit, I'm better than you because I never take days off" kind of way. I truly have internal struggles with taking days off because of my sport, my goals, my body dysmorphia.

And to be honest, it was f*cking hard.

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Dealing With Weight Gain While Intuitive Eating

If you're looking to end your dieting and restricting by practicing intuitive eating, weight gain is normal. I'm not saying it's easy to deal with mentally or physically, but it is needed.

When I began intuitive eating, I gained weight. I reintroduced myself to bread, ice cream, pasta, sweet potatoes, chocolate, bagels without guilt. It wasn't easy though, guilt tended to show itself but I kept trying to ignore it. With the new food I began to eat, my body hung onto it. I finally stopped starving myself and feeling guilt for wanting a sandwich.

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Things I've Overheard

I’ve been really busy lately.

So much so that I haven’t obsessed about food or weight in a bit (a secret blessing). But to be honest, being on social media can definitely play a part in my body image issues.

In the past few weeks I’ve seen:

  • Women getting engaged to and “starting the prep for their wedding with intense workouts to lose a ton of weight in a short amount of time”

  • People starting a fad diet and bragging about it

  • Athlete’s ask me how to get fit, skinny, toned, ripped.

  • People avoiding eating food past a certain time of night

I mean, this isn’t a rare thing to experience. This is everyday life.

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You Have to Eat

I spent years trying to do the opposite.

I sometimes still catch myself avoiding eating, as if eating is a weakness. “How long can I go without eating” it’s always been a game. But in reality it goes like this: How long can I avoid my natural body signals to the point where I’m in pain, starving, and my stomach is eating itself… THEN how long can I uphold this until my body physically shuts down.

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