Posts tagged Matcha
The Best Matcha Lattes In America

Don’t get it twisted, we both love our coffee just as much as the next couple. Molly is the coffee addict of the two of us, and I like to branch out and keep it fresh as often as possible. Most days, in fact, I revert to my favorite caffeinated beverage, of the viridescent green kind. If you are curious, doubtful, or downright dismissive of matcha tea and its benefits, this might not be the article for you. For more information on matcha, you can easily google and find some great resources on page one. This one’s for the matcha lovers.

Matcha has had my heart and soul for years. As I’ve come to know and love great, pure matcha in all of its forms, I’ve become a bit of a collector of high quality matcha offerings - primarily as a hot and frothy latte. Of course, there are plenty of true matcha experts and connoisseurs out there roaming the streets, but I’ve taken it upon myself in the recent years to document every matcha latte I’ve consumed, regurgitating the copious and far-reaching notes as something that would help me remember where to (and where not to) order a matcha latte.

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